The Nagas

Hill Peoples of Northeast India

Project Introduction The Naga Database

typescript - Tour Diary of Keith Cantlie, 1919-1920

caption: decrease in Lemhema through influenza
medium: tours
location: Lemhema
date: 24.3.1920
person: Cantlie/ Keith
date: 1919-1920
refnum: Pitt Rivers Museum Archive, Oxford
text: 24th.
text: To Lemhema and counted it. The village as I have said above suffered very severely from influenza. It has decreased from 55 revenue paying houses to 45. There are not cattle or goats as the tigers eat them all. They have three guns. Wild dog (41) also ate a nuisance. There was a pig killed 300 yards from the village on the day before I arrived and I sat up over it but got nothing. I spent the night in the village.