The Nagas

Hill Peoples of Northeast India

Project Introduction The Naga Database

typescript - Tour Diary of Keith Cantlie, 1919-1920

caption: bad harvest; sugar cane; bridge repair; quinine sales
medium: tours
location: Mechangbung (Mechongbung) Sulen R. (Cholin R.) Henima
date: 3.4.1920-4.4.1920
person: Cantlie/ Keith
date: 1919-1920
refnum: Pitt Rivers Museum Archive, Oxford
text: 3rd. April
text: To Mechongbung. The village had one less revenue paying house than last year. The crops were bad last year (43b) but they can arrange without a Government loan by borrowing amongst themselves.
text: Sugar cane is grown in the village. There was one case about sadhi dam. The Inspection Bungalow needs a rough table.
text: 4th April.
text: To Henima by Government road. A bridge is badly needed over the Cholin to replace the lost one and the Overseer is to have the approaches made fit for ponies. At present no pony could ever get down to the river. I gave 7 boxes of quinine to the Henima Mouzadar for sale.