The Nagas

Hill Peoples of Northeast India

Project Introduction The Naga Database

published - J.H. Hutton, Diaries of Two Tours in the Unadministered Area East of the Naga Hills', 1926

caption: Second Tour
caption: to Chi; meets Ang of Tang; Ang of Chi's house; skulls; human sacrifice; tattoos
medium: articlestours
location: Chi Tang
date: 22.10.1923
person: Hutton/ J.H.
date: 10.1923-11.1923
text: Oct.22nd - To Chi (i.e. "Chui" or "Chimi") the path going down into a deep valley and up a steep hill again. The distance about 7 miles and the camping ground on the far side of Chi from Mon at 3,525 ft. above sea level, the village itself probably being about 50 ft. higher.
text: On the way we met a huge concourse, constituting a deputation from Tang, the Ang himself (Pl. 11, fig. 5) coming in with about 100 or so retainers, all very well got up in their best clothes. The Ang of Tang is a very important chief, and appears a decent fellow. The chiefs of all this area have great personal power and sanctity. Their authority is unquestioned, and their persons are tabu very much like those of a Samoan or a Maori chief.
text: Chi proved as friendly a village as I have ever been in. The Ang has a fine house 117 paces long, with two great stone seats in front of it (Pl. 8 fig. 8
text: There was only one head of this year's taking, doing its turn on the bamboo, so the bucks of Chi probably do not take many heads. Human sacrifice as a regular institution is not practised in the Sangnyu, Mon, Chi and Totok areas, though it is known to exist further to the North-East. The throat tattoo, of which I photographed a rather good fresh specimen, is only worn by the man who has actually severed a head, and the man I saw with it (Pl. 10, fig. 6), was the severer of the head referred to. The chest tattoo is apparently put on on "touching meat," and the face tattoo for taking part in a raid, the principle generally corresponding to that on which the Angami wears his ornaments. [The Angami Nagas, pp. 29 sqq., 32.] (Pl. 9, figs. 4