The Nagas

Hill Peoples of Northeast India

Project Introduction The Naga Database

published - J.H. Hutton, Diaries of Two Tours in the Unadministered Area East of the Naga Hills', 1926

caption: Second Tour
caption: to the Shiniong river; Lengha porters build seat for their Ang; stones at Shiong where new-born babies are displayed
medium: articlestours
location: Sinyang R. (Shiniong R.) Lungha (Lengha) Shiong
date: 23.10.1923
person: Hutton/ J.H.
date: 10.1923-11.1923
text: Oct. 23rd. - To the Shiniong. Men from Totok met us on the way to remonstrate with us for not having visited their village, and I promised that I would do so sometime. Lengha porters came in to carry us up to Wakching the next day. We found them sitting by the path in a big way-side shelter. They had built a temporary seat for their Ang to sit on, a wooden bench as long as a bed, but no one but the Ang could use it till we turned up, when he politely offered it to us. All the others had to sit on the floor.
text: The Ang of Lengha is a subordinate of the Ang of Chi, who sent a mithun down so that we should have something to eat in the jungle, not to mention two pigs and a goat and some fowls, supplied by Chi, Totok and Lengha, so that there was more meat going than all the camp could manage.
text: We went through Shiong on the way. Just outside that village is a flat stone on which every baby born is put as soon as it is born. An offering is made there to the stone at the same time. The infant is taken to the stone by three children of its own sex, one of whom carrying the infant sits on the stone while the other two sit on the ground.