The Nagas

Hill Peoples of Northeast India

Project Introduction The Naga Database

diaries kept by Ursula Graham Bower on visits to Manipur and North Cachar between 1937 and 1940

caption: Joute to Paparam
medium: diaries
person: HumjaUmaid
location: Pabram (Paparam)
date: 11.12.1937
person: Graham Bower/ Ursula
person: private collection
text: Dec. 11th.
text: Joute to Paparam or Thingkoipli. Started off again, this time with camera & viewfinder, rest in japha. Well-made Kabui boatman, thick-set, & photogenic. Kuki headman, with japha on raft, kept shooting alongside H.M.S. Barak to stare at us. Jeff told him he'd have raft over. He hooted with laughter, & said: "Doesn't matter, its only the lumbu's things!"
text: Jeff caught 30lb mahseer on bend among trees & bamboos. Humja spotted something up, shot us into bank, leapt out & ran like ruddy hare, leaving us (52) alone with Naga boatman, who moored boat & bounded ashore too. Pausing only to study wild flowers at edge of jungle, he joined in chase, catching me up on sandbank. I could hear his dao rattling just behind me as we ran, & we shot round corner together, & stopped with mutual "O-oh!" as Umaid gaffed 30lb fish. Grinned at one another, & went to look closer. Took photos of group with fish,
text: Crowds of Nagas came to look at us. Much intrigued by our knitting. All went off in a body about 8.30p.m., rafting across river (54) by light of bamboo flares. Civet cat episode followed immediately. Puzzle: how did Nagas catch civet cat? b) Where was civet cat?
text: Nagas very taken with H.M.S. Barak and paddled & poled her about for the fun of the thing. Considered renaming her Queen Mary. One boy took her off downstream solo, others used her as ferry-boat.