The Nagas

Hill Peoples of Northeast India

Project Introduction The Naga Database

diaries kept by Ursula Graham Bower on visits to Manipur and North Cachar between 1937 and 1940

caption: Abung's attempts at European food
medium: diaries
person: AbungLuikaiZahilo
date: 30.3.1939
person: Graham Bower/ Ursula
person: private collection
text: (38) March 30th Jessami.
text: Held dispensary at perao. Naga sores far better, next to no smell. Boy's foot also better, at least it was yesterday, and he did not turn up till evening to-day, when Jangsang dressed it. Slack day, nothing to do. Told Abung cheese omelette for tiffin and roast fowl for supper, with sausages, but he produced rest of sausages with omelette instead of keeping them for breakfast. In p.m. went down to water hole to sketch. Was presently followed by Camp Naga (Zahilo) & boy with cut toe, and later by agitated Luikai, who was combing the neighbourhood for the stray lunatic. Nagas had great fun with my paints, especially the boy. Typed a bit in p.m. Zahilo as interested as Luikai. Zahilo was at Shomdal school, & speaks Tangkhul, Manipuri & Kuki.
text: Asked about going to river & was told path very bad, unsuitable for mems. Loud giggles at idea of my going.
text: Luikai wants me to draw him picture of a horse, 'with Sahib on top', to take home with him.