The Nagas

Hill Peoples of Northeast India

Project Introduction The Naga Database

manuscript - H.H. Godwin-Austen, Journal of a Tour in Assam, 26th November 1872 to 15th April 1873

caption: description of the Barak river
medium: tours
location: Tengiphima Maithaiphimi
date: 10.2.1873
person: Godwin-Austen/ H.H.
date: 26.11.1872-4.4.1873
person: Royal Geographical Society, London
text: [10th Feb.] (40)
text: On the 10th we left late & descended by excellent road past two villages of Tengiphima & down the broad spur into the Barak valley & got as far as Maithaiphimi encamping in the level rice fields under it. This upper part of the Barak deserves a slight general description. The river flows with a very serpentine course through a broad level belt, of abt quarter to half a mile in breadth, the greater part of which is under rice cultivation. There are scarcely any trees & those confined to a few patches on steep slopes bordering the river where it bends in under the hills. Alluvial terraces are well developed both on the main valley & lateral longer ones. Below the greatest & terminal mass of such deposits ends & below this point they occur now on one side now on the other having a height above the present level of the valley of 120 feet. Whether these deposits are merely the result of the ancient river motion or whether glacial or ice action aided in the formation is difficult to say, but the last was very likely present in the form of a heavy snow fall during winter. The hills both N & S of the Barak have a regular rounded form & are covered with grass, of which a good deal is spear. Crossed a large stream from the Japvo mass, the Mikhir, abt 7 miles from the camp.