The Nagas

Hill Peoples of Northeast India

Project Introduction The Naga Database

part of original tour diary of Lt. R.G. Woodthorpe 1876

caption: Routine survey work made unpleasant by cold weather
medium: tours
person: Tulloch/ Col
location: Kakenagami
date: 2.3.1876
person: Woodthorpe/ R.G.
date: 1875-1876
person: Pitt Rivers Museum Archive, Oxford
text: Thursday 2nd.
text: (Fine morning but very heavy thunderstorm and violent wind from 3-6 p.m. Road bad and up and down. Height of mark at 3 p.m. 7500/7250 M = 7370. Themometer SEE about 3 p.m. Kakenagami at 6 p.m. 35 houses 5840/5600 M = 5720. Camp at 9 p.m. 5660/5450 M = 5555. Min = 50o.)
text: Awoke men at 4. Got up 5. Started 5.45 and arrived at mark at 8.55. Shot perguma in way. Sent back to Colonel to move onto Kakenagami. Commenced work as the theodolite arrived and observed till 2.30 with an interval of a quarter of an hour only for tiffin. Just managed to finish work as the rain came on. I had been bitterly cold all day, my fingers being numbed at times until made still worse when the rain came on and we were glad to get into the shelter of the forest jungle. The road was very slippery and the long logs which in many places form the pathway were dangerous. However we were well past them and reached camp about 5.30. The path is a good deal better than it was when the jungle was newly felled for jooming when we were here last.