The Nagas

Hill Peoples of Northeast India

Project Introduction The Naga Database

part of original tour diary of Lt. R.G. Woodthorpe 1876

caption: Hostile reception by Nagas smoothed over
medium: tours
person: Tulloch/ ColOgle
location: Nungtang Phusumi (Pusimi) Maromi (Mungrung) Sasatami (Satemi) Teshi R.
date: 11.3.1876
person: Woodthorpe/ R.G.
date: 1875-1876
person: Pitt Rivers Museum Archive, Oxford
text: (57) Saturday 11th.
text: (Road good all day. Fine but hazy. Hot. Little rain in evening. Nungtang 1st vill. 10 a.m. 3610/3550 M = 3580. 42 houses. 2nd vill. ?100 houses M = 4300. Pusomi at 2 p.m. 2910/2930 M 2920. 140 houses. Mungrung or Maromi (villagers) 54 houses. At 3 p.m. 3560/3450 M = 3505. 2nd Maromi 5 p.m. 35 houses 3580/3470 M = 3525. Satemi 5.30 p.m. 3550/3450 M = 3500. Camp at Teshi 9 p.m. 2010/1950 M = 1980. Min = 49o.)
text: Up early and went up hill. I went off down spur to jooms. Saw Nagas with shields etc. They said they were only out jooming which was probably true. Went on to village. Found all coolies assembled outside. Nagas had come running in from fields to village and seem disposed not to let us through, at least so the Colonel said. It was evidently fear and not knowing what we were up to. As soon as I advanced they brought out fowls and rice etc. and when the advance guard would allow me to go on a little ahead without crowding after me like an undisciplined rabble, we soon restored confidence. We had tiffin at the 2nd Nungtang and after Ogle and I went on to Pusimi and plane tabled. After back to Mungrung and down to river Teshi. Ogle left me to take down stores (goats, rice etc) while I went onto Satemi and got into camp about 6.30.
text: The camp is a good one at the junction of two streams with plenty of good open ground.