The Nagas

Hill Peoples of Northeast India

Project Introduction The Naga Database

part of original tour diary of Lt. R.G. Woodthorpe 1876

caption: Sepoys discovered to have been looting; guide misleads party so village punished
medium: tours
person: MemaramTulloch/ ColOgleHinde
location: Aopao (Aching) Aopao (Chongvi) Chinglong Chinglong (Lungfang) Dikhu R.
date: 25.3.1876
person: Woodthorpe/ R.G.
date: 1875-1876
person: Pitt Rivers Museum Archive, Oxford
text: Saturday 25th.
text: (Fine all day and very hot. Fog in early morning. Road good. Aching/Chongvi at 1 p.m. about 200 houses 4020/3870 M = 3945. Chinglong/Lungfang at 9 p.m. 2840/2800 M = 2820 about 100 houses. ditto at 6 a.m. 2880/2830 M = 2855. Min = 57.5o.)
text: Up early but detained some time as Memaram told me the coolies complained of very heavy sepoys' loads, which on being opened were found to contain several seers of beans, bone necklaces and other loot. Fog very great at starting. Got up to good point above Chongvi about 11. Sent to Colonel to go on at 12 and went on at 1. Working by way Ogle helping me with one board. At Chinglong which we reached about 4.30 we found the Col. and Hinde coming back with all the force having been misled by a guide who had been properly punished. As it was too late then to think of going on to Dikhu and no camping ground seemed to be near, also wishing to punish Nagas for not showing us the road, we halted in the village. A good and easily defended place being found at the top with a big morung which sheltered all the regiments. We pulled down a house to make our camp safer. There was also a good level place outside for our tents.