The Nagas

Hill Peoples of Northeast India

Project Introduction The Naga Database

published - Chapter IV 'Detailed Report on the Naga Hills Expedition of 1878-80', Capt. P.J. Maitland

caption: skirmishes
medium: reports
person: MacGregor/ Lt.Wingate/ Lt.Peevor/ SurgeonDamant/ Mrs.
location: Zubzu Jotsoma Khonoma (Konoma) Sachema (Sachima) Kohima Samaguting
date: 30.11.1879-4.12.1879
person: Maitland/ Capt. P.J.
date: 1880
person: India Office Library, London
refnum: IOR L/MIL/17/18/24
text: On the 30th November, a detachment 44 Sylhet Light Infantry scouting for the enemy met a party of Nagas and dispersed them with loss. They also discovered and brought in about thirty maunds of rice. On the 2nd December, a detachment of seventy all native ranks 44th Sylhet Light Infantry, under Lieutenant Macgregor, Deputy Assistant Quarter Master General, taking with them only greatcoats and three days' cooked rations were sent out to clear the Zubzu valley of the Jotsoma Nagas. They returned on the 4th December, having surprised the temporary settlements of the enemy, and burnt their huts, killing nine, and taking three prisoners. Some cattle were also captured. There were no casualties on our side. From this date parties were sent out daily from Konoma, Sachima and Kohima to scour the jungles, and prevent the enemy collecting to molest the camps or line of communication.
text: On the 3rd December, Lieutenant Wingate, Chief Commissariat Officer, also Surgeon Peevor, joined the force. A commissariat convoy was fired at near Sachima, and an elephant driver slightly wounded. On the same day Mrs. Damant, escorted by a detachment of 50 rifles, passed through Sachima on her way to Samaguting.
text: During this period the garrison of Konoma was occupied in destroying the intrenchments of the Nagas, a work not easily accomplished,and in occasional skirmishes. Their water supply being at the foot of the hill placed them in a situation of some difficulty. On the 20th November, the water party from the post fell into Naga ambuscade, and lost two killed and two severely wounded. The sepoys repaid this by setting " Goorkha traps " in the jungle paths, and seem to have been successful in catching several Nagas.