The Nagas

Hill Peoples of Northeast India

Project Introduction The Naga Database

published - Appendices. 'Detailed Report on the Naga Hills Expedition of 1878-80', Capt. P.J. Maitland

caption: routes in the Naga Hills district
medium: reports
location: Priphema (Piphima) Pherima Sachema (Sachima) Sovinochake Mt. (Sriwenchika Mt.) Kiruphema (Keruphima) Jotsoma Mezema (Mezuma) Khonoma (Konoma)
person: Maitland/ Capt. P.J.
date: 1880
person: India Office Library, London
refnum: IOR L/MIL/17/18/24
text: The next stage is to Piphima, about seven miles. Distance from Samaguting nineteen miles. Leaving the Pherima stockade the river is immediately crossed. There is no bridge, except a rough Naga structure used by the inhabitants during the height of the rains. The path beyond, ascending and descending, eventually reaches a stockade built on the site of Piphima, the village having been destroyed by the late expedition.
text: From Piphima to Sachima is nine miles. The path, after leaving Piphima on its left or north, continues along the slope of a mountain range, whose highest point is Sriwenchika (7,380 feet), and leaving the village of Keruphima to the south, leads to a stockade built on the Sachima " arras," or open cultivated land. Near Keruphima a branch Naga path leads by the former site of Sachima to Jotsoma, Mezuma ( Mozima) and to where Konoma once stood.