The Nagas

Hill Peoples of Northeast India

Project Introduction The Naga Database

published - Appendices. 'Detailed Report on the Naga Hills Expedition of 1878-80', Capt. P.J. Maitland

caption: routes in the Naga Hills district
medium: reports
location: Dhansiri R. (Dansiri R.) Dimapur Barpathar (Bor Pathar) Golaghat
person: Maitland/ Capt. P.J.
date: 1880
person: India Office Library, London
refnum: IOR L/MIL/17/18/24
text: Navigation of Dansiri.
text: Captain MacGregor remarks on the Dansiri that " it is navigable in the rains up to Dimapur, by country boats ( dug outs) carrying about eight maunds. In the dry season it is only navigable sometimes as far as Bor Pathar, twenty miles by road, seventy five ( Lieutenant Wingate estimates the same distance at 60 miles.) by water from Golaghat - for boats of light maundage." The river winds considerably in its course, and the numerous snags with which it is filled render navigation dangerous. The Dansiri after passing Golaghat " flows northward into the Brahmaputra: the portion of the river between Golaghat and the Brahmaputra can be navigated in the dry season by country boats, and in the rains by steamers of small tonnage."
text: The fact that the Dansiri is navigable as far as Dimapur from June till October renders it comparatively easy to convey stores and materials of all sorts, to the foot of the hills during the rainy season. When, therefore, it is known beforehand that an expedition will take place in the cold weather, it is cheaper and better to collect supplies, &c, at Dimapur in anticipation of the movement of troops than to await the opening of the road. Lieutenant Wingate, who was in charge of both Commissariat and Transport during the expedition of 1879-80, strongly recommends that water carriage should in all cases be used up to the furthest possible point. He says that for ten months in the year the river is open to Dimapur for small boats.
text: All roads and tracks in the Naga hills district seem to be liable to suffer damage by water and by the growth of vegetation in the wet season. Repair of the roads and bridges appears therefore to be an almost indispensable prelude to the commencement of military operations.
text: (20) APPENDIX D.
text: ( Repeat of paragraphs 7+8 " Naga Hills Report." 1875-76.)