The Nagas

Hill Peoples of Northeast India

Project Introduction The Naga Database

printed - Tour Diary of the Deputy Commissioner, Naga Hills 1870 (John Butler) volume one

caption: attempt to meet the Commissioner
medium: tours
location: Barpathar (Borpathar) Kampur Falls Golaghout
date: 23.1.1870-31.1.1870
person: Butler/ John
date: 5.1.1870-30.3.1870
note: inaccurate spelling in the original text
text: 23rd January, Sunday. Marched into Borpathar via the Kampur falls a distance of about 15 miles the road a mere foot path through dense jungle.
text: 24th January, Monday. Marched to Golaghout in order to inspect the road and meet the Commissioner.
text: 25th to the 31st January. Halted at Golaghaut awaiting the arrival of the Commissioner.