The Nagas

Hill Peoples of Northeast India

Project Introduction The Naga Database

printed - Tour Diary of the Deputy Commissioner, Naga Hills 1870 (John Butler) volume one

caption: to Samoogooting; roads cleared of jungle; compiling rules for administration of Nagas Hills
medium: tours
location: Samoogooting Dipphoopaneemookh Deemahpoor
date: 3.2.1870-6.2.1870
person: Butler/ John
date: 5.1.1870-30.3.1870
note: inaccurate spelling in the original text
text: 3rd February, Tuesday. Leaving my servants and baggage to come on quietly tomorrow I rode straight into Samoogooting. With the exception of the bit between Dipphoopaneemookh and Deemahpoor the road has been entirely cleared of jungle and I left the coolies hard at work so I hope by the end of the week to be done with the repairs of the road from end to end.
text: 4th to 6th February. Halted at Samoogooting and was employed the whole time in replying to pending letters which had arrived during my absence, compiling and submitting the new rules for the administration of the Naga Hills and receiving deputations from the Nagas and Kookees.