The Nagas

Hill Peoples of Northeast India

Project Introduction The Naga Database

printed - tour diary of the Deputy Commissioner of the Naga Hills for the year 1870-1872 (John Butler) volume two

caption: difficulty obtaining coolies highlights problem of passive resistance which may make it necessary to assume direct control; to Kohima
medium: tours
location: Pfuchama (Puchama) Kohima
date: 9.1.1871
person: Butler/ John
date: 22.11.1870-17.2.1873
note: inaccurate spelling in the original text
text: 9th January, Monday. I had the very greatest difficulty this morning in obtaining coolies and it was not until after 10 a.m. that I left the village. The fact is it seems that these Nagas think now they have succeeded in getting rid of the Munnipurees through us they would like to get rid of us too however I am glad to say I succeeded at last in bringing them round to their senses though I must confess their passive resistance in refusing to aid me in this instances makes me think that we are rapidly approaching the time when we shall find it incumbent on us either to assume direct control over these savages or leave them entirely alone and free from even the nominal control we have lately exercised and I must add under present circumstances the position of the officer termed the "District Court of the Naga Hills" is a most dangerous and unenviable one.
text: Our march today led us through the village of Puchama at the foot of which we crossed two small streams and ascend the opposite hill pitched our camp on the north side of Kohima having come about 5 miles. I hear the Kohima men are going to refuse to carry my loads tomorrow so I suppose I shall have to undergo another scene.