The Nagas

Hill Peoples of Northeast India

Project Introduction The Naga Database

printed - tour diary of the Deputy Commissioner of the Naga Hills for the year 1870-1872 (John Butler) volume two

caption: to Seebsagar area, late Naga Hills jurisdiction; fever
medium: tours
person: Blathwayt/ Capt.
location: Barpathar Nambor Falls
date: 12.12.1871-14.12.1871
person: Butler/ John
date: 22.11.1870-17.2.1873
note: inaccurate spelling in the original text
text: 12th December. Returned to Barpathar, Captain Blathwayt accompanying me.
text: 13th December. Having breakfasted at the Nambor Falls we moved Camp to-day to Murfulani a small village about a mile from the left bank of the Doiguring and about 2 miles from the foot of the Rengmah Hills.
text: [10] 14th December. Marched into Kollianipathar a small village situated at the junction of the Guriajan with the Kolliani river and entirely composed of Kacharies and Aitonias. This village used to belong to the Naga Hills jurisdiction but on my representation it was made over to the Seebsagar last year and I am beginning now to be sorry I ever moved in the matter for I find the unfortunate ryots have already had cause to deplore the transfer for it appears one of the first things the Mauzadar's Mohurir (whoever that officer may be) did on assessing them was to raise an extra two and a half annas for every Pattah he issued under the pretence that it was a Kabooliat fee to which he was entitled under the orders of Government and of course as three [sic] poor fellows never go near a Kutchery they paid up the money at once and only thought that it was very hard lines to have to pay this extra sum for a thing they had always obtained for nothing. In fact it was quite by accident I discovered this little matter. It only shows how necessary it is that an officer should always be moving about through his district and specially these portions of it which lie of the beaten track - the more out of the way the village the more necessary that it should be visited. I am sorry to say I am feeling rather feverish to-day. It is very odd how pertinaciously this fever has stuck to me this year; usually it leaves me at the end of October and I see no more of it until June or July, but this year I have scarcely passed a fortnight without an attack.