The Nagas

Hill Peoples of Northeast India

Project Introduction The Naga Database

printed - tour diary of the Deputy Commissioner of the Naga Hills for the year 1870-1872 (John Butler) volume two

caption: to Themoketsama; comparison of Rengma and Mezama groups show them to be the same
medium: tours
ethnicgroup: MezamaRengmahTengimah
location: Tseminyu (Themokedima) Therugunyu (Themoketsama) Kolliani R. Diyung R. (Doyang R.)
date: 4.3.1872
person: Butler/ John
date: 22.11.1870-17.2.1873
note: inaccurate spelling in the original text
text: [15] 4th March, Monday. Moved camp into Themokedima - distance about 12 miles over a capital road the whole way. About 8 miles from Chichama we passed through Themoketsama, a village containing about 250 houses. We are now among the Mezama (or Rengmah) Nagas, a dirty, squalid miserable looking race, physically far inferior to the Tengimah - though reputed to be equally blood-thirsty and fierce, though I doubt this very much. I had no sooner taken interest in Themoketsama than I at once saw that the Rengma of the Kolliani and the Mezama of the Doyang must belong to one and the same tribe, and on further investigation I found their houses, their dress, their manners (or rather customs) and their language to be almost exactly alike; the latter I ascertained by having fortunately brought with me a list of Rengmah words and was thus enabled to compare the two dialects. Both my brother and I were much struck and exceedingly surprised at finding two such utterly dissimilar races, Tengemahs and Mezemas, living almost I may say within a stone's throw of each other.