The Nagas

Hill Peoples of Northeast India

Project Introduction The Naga Database

printed - tour diary of the Deputy Commissioner of the Naga Hills for the year 1870-1872 (John Butler) volume two

caption: report that Vihutzumah clan of Mozemah refuse to pay fine; rumours that Manipuris have been supplying Naga villages with muskets with a promise of more if they will drive the British out; ammunition for sale in Mozema and Khohemah; determination to extract fine from Vihutzumah clan
medium: tours
person: Vihutzumah clan/ MozemaBalachand/ ConstablePuphetzumah clan/ MozemahMemaram/ Insp.
date: 29.11.1872
person: Butler/ John
date: 22.11.1870-17.2.1873
note: inaccurate spelling in the original text
text: November 29th. Having received a Report last night from Inspector Memaram at Mozemoh in which he reports his inability to realize the fine of Rs. l20 which I had inflicted upon the Vihutzumah clan of that village and learning from constable Balachand who brought in the report (having marched in from Mozemah in one day) that the Vihutzumah clan were "talking very loud" and had refused to pay under any circumstances I changed my plan of going down to Borpathar and determined to proceed at once to Mozemah to enquire personally into the matter and insist upon the fine being paid up.
text: I regret to record that strong rumours have lately reached me from several quarters regarding the Mannipuries which I severly [sic] like to believe and yet I am afraid there must be some little foundation for them. They are to the effect that the Mannipuries have been lately giving out muskets to all the Naga villages along the border within their own jurisdiction and have been promising to do the same to the villages within our territory if they will only "bother" the Sahebs and so get them (by which of course they mean the Government) to leave the country. I also hear that no end of ammunition has lately been brought into Mozemah and Khonomah and is now being sold at these villages at the rate of 20 rounds per a rupee (having been bought in Manipur at the rate of 50 rounds per rupee) and anyhow there is no doubt about this for Meema Ram has just sent me in 80 rounds purchased in Mozemah for Rs.4 and I have instructed him to buy in all he can lay hands on. I have also heard that the Vehutzumah Missonomah and Puphetzumah clans of Maozemah who up to date have been anything but the best of friends have lately made it up so far as to declare they would all stand by each other in case of any row occurring and be this as it may. I know that the Vihutzumah men have been busy endeavouring to enlist the sympathies of all their neighbours, the Sepemah men in particular, and the reply in every instance has been I am told, that they would "wait" and "see". So unless I succeed in getting the Vihutzumah men to cave in I am afraid we are on the eve of seeing the "non interference" policy collapse, however I don't despair just yet.
text: A plucky front has carried me through a good deal during the last four years in dealing with these wild savages and I still believed it will do so now, anyhow I think its the safest spoke in my wheel for some how (I can't explain) why I feel pretty confident the Vihutzumah men will obey me after all if I go out myself, however "hous verrous" and anyhow I am determined not to yield an inch - I have now given my orders for Rs.l20 and that sum must be paid up.
text: Having only succeeded in getting coolies about 10 a.m. we made a very late start this morning and so did not get into Maeziphemah until just a little before sunset.