The Nagas

Hill Peoples of Northeast India

Project Introduction The Naga Database

printed - Tour Diary of the Deputy Commissioner for 1873 (John Butler) volume three

caption: fuller perusal of the Rajah's reply; Butler requests instructions
medium: tours
person: Thomson
date: 21.2.1873
person: Butler
date: 17.2.1873-11.4.1873
note: inaccurate spelling in the original text
text: 21st February. Nothing of importance occurred today but late this evening I received a letter No. 17 of today's date from Colonel Thomson giving cover to copies of his letter (of 17th instant) to the Rajah and His Highness's reply to it (dated 20th idem) and I must confess I have never perused in the whole course of service a more extraordinary document than this reply of the Rajah. It contains the most shameless falsehood and its tone and terror is not only arrogant to a degree scarcely credible, but is also grossly insulting towards Thomson personally and even towards Government itself.
text: Immediately after I had perused and digested its contents I once more despatched another telegram to the Commissioner as follows: "Just received letters from Thomson forwarding letter from Rajah to his address, tone most insulting both towards Government and their Agent - done perhaps to his not knowing better."
text: "Rajah forbids my visiting country east of Mao River pending receipt of Government orders upon his memorial. He is however powerless to prevent my doing so and has not right to attempt it."
text: "If you have any instruction, please telegraph via Rachai and Manipur - I await reply."
text: I have also informed Colonel Thomson that after the receipt of such a letter as the Rajah's above alluded to, I must decline to have anything more to say to that gentleman pending the receipt of any instructions I may receive.
text: I am entirely disgusted now that I ever came in to Manipur at all. My efforts to obtain the Rajah's cooperation which I had so sanguinely hoped would have crowned with success have all been utterly thrown away and most valuable time has been wasted. However it was impossible to have anticipated all this or I should certainly have decided upon pushing on single handed as I hope to do yet if the Government does not prevent me.