The Nagas

Hill Peoples of Northeast India

Project Introduction The Naga Database

printed - Tour Diary of the Deputy Commissioner for 1873 (John Butler) volume three

caption: Thomson refuses to see Manipuri officials; polo; duck shooting
medium: tours
person: Thomson/ Col.Tongal MajorAustin
date: 24.2.1873-27.2.1873
person: Butler
date: 17.2.1873-11.4.1873
note: inaccurate spelling in the original text
text: 24th February. Major Tongal and Mr. Gokul came in today to see Colonel Thomson about something. I did not however see them.
text: In the evening I took a stroll in the Bazar with Thomson and afterwards visited the Hockey field which is close by. The Manipuries seem to play at this game almost all day and every day and night will they play it too.
text: I have seen "Polo" played in a good many parts of India from Bultistan and Peshawar down to Calcutta, but I never saw it played better than they play it here. It is simply wonderful to see how cleverly these Manipuries take up the ball in almost every imaginable position - indeed however difficult a stroke it may be, they never seem to miss it.
text: [3] 25th February. Major Thongal came in to see Colonel Thomson today accompanied by some Kam hous with whom it appears the Manipuries have just been exchanging hostages. I did not however stay through the conference.
text: 26th February. Having nothing better to do, I went duck shooting all the morning and got a fair bag. The birds although numerous were very wide indeed and the consequence was I only had single shots. Among the rest I got a Teal which Austin tells me is a very rare bird indeed.
text: 27th February. Noting of any importance to record today.