The Nagas

Hill Peoples of Northeast India

Project Introduction The Naga Database

published - extracts from 'Descriptive Ethnography of Bengal' on Nagas by E.T. Dalton

caption: Introduction
caption: Chutia or Kachari dynasty; fortified city of Dimapur; invasion by Shans
medium: articles
location: Dimapur
person: Dalton/ E.T.
date: 1872
text: (2) The Chutia or Kachari dynasty continued to hold southern Upper Asam and Sadiya and part of Naugaon (Nowgong), where they built a fortified city called Dimapur; but about the middle of the thirteenth century of the Christian era they were subjugated by hordes of Shans from the south, who, after establishing themselves in Upper Asam, pursued their career of conquest in a westerly direction, and forced the eastern portion of the Ko'cch-Hindu kingdom to submit, whilst the lower or south-west part of Kamrup fell under the sway of the muhammadan rules of Bengal.