The Nagas

Hill Peoples of Northeast India

Project Introduction The Naga Database

published - extracts on Nagas from 'Assam Administration Report'

caption: Nagas
caption: Chapter VII. Frontier Relations and Feudatory States
caption: attacks by Nagas on survey parties; missionary settlements
medium: reports
person: Holcombe/ Lt.Badgley/ Capt.Butler/ Capt.Clark/ Rev. E.W.
location: Vinyu (Ninu) Disang R. Pangti Molongkong Merangkong (Naogaon)
date: 1882
date: 1883
text: The Naga country up to the Patkoi range is nominally British territory by inheritance from the rulers of Assam, and by our treaties with Burma. It has from time to time been explored by survey parties, and on one of these occasions, in February 1875, a party sent into the hills south of Jaipur was treacherously attacked at Ninu, a village four marches from the plains up the valley of the Disang, and Lieutenant Holcombe, the Assistant-Commissioner accompanying the party, with 80 coolies and followers, was killed, Captain Badgley, the survey officer, and 50 others being wounded. This was followed by a punitive attack, by which the villages which took part in the massacre were attacked and destroyed. During the same season the survey party in the western Naga hills was attacked by Nagas; and in December 1875, Captain Butler, the Political Agent, who was accompanying the survey party, was again attacked near the Lhota village of Pangti, and received a wound of which he died a few days later. The village was at once destroyed by the force which accompanied the survey party.
text: An American missionary, the Revd. E.W Clark, is settled among these semi-independent Nagas at a village called Mokokchung, belonging to the Dhopdar Duar group. The inhabitants of this village and the adjacent Naga village of Naogaon have become Christians and renounced warfare.