The Nagas

Hill Peoples of Northeast India

Project Introduction The Naga Database

published - extracts on Nagas from 'Assam Administration Report'

caption: Nagas
caption: Relations with Tributary State and Frontier Affairs.
caption: feud between Namsangias and Borduarias; fear of smallpox
medium: reports
ethnicgroup: NamsangiaBorduaria
location: Lakhipur (Lakhimpur) Sibsagar
date: 1882
date: 1883
text: The feud between the Namsangias and Borduarias still exists. For some months there was a cessation of hostilities and peace was declared in deference to the wishes of the Gosain of Bareghar, who has taken the Nagas under his wing, many of them calling themselves his disciples. But disturbances soon broke out again, and the Deputy-Commissioner of Lakhimpur is of opinion that the feud will not speedily end - "From all accounts, however, the fighting is not very severe, one or two heads in a year satisfying either party."
text: Our intercourse with the various Naga tribes bordering on the Sibsagar district continues to be friendly. The dread of small-pox, which kept them away in 1881-82, not having existed this year, more Nagas visited the plains; a great many worked as coolies in the Jorhat station.