The Nagas

Hill Peoples of Northeast India

Project Introduction The Naga Database

published - extracts on Nagas from 'Assam Administration Report'

caption: exploration of Ao country
caption: Nagas
caption: Relations with Tributary States and Frontier Affairs
medium: reports
person: Clarke/ Col.McCabe/ Mr
ethnicgroup: AoHatiguria
location: Bor Haimong
date: 1884
date: 1885
text: 37. A remarkable incident in the frontier history of the year was the exploration of Naga territory from Sibsagar and Kohima undertaken with the consent of the Government of India. The territory traversed belongs to the independent tribe of Ao or Hatiguria Nagas.
text: Colonel Clarke, Deputy-Commissioner of Sibsagar, received orders to meet Mr. McCabe, Deputy-Commissioner, Naga Hills, at Bor Haimong on the 30th January, and he arranged to leave Amguri for the hills on the 28th January.