The Nagas

Hill Peoples of Northeast India

Project Introduction The Naga Database

published - extracts on Nagas from 'Assam Administration Report'

caption: exploration of Ao country
caption: Nagas
caption: Relations with Tributary States and Frontier Affairs
caption: visit to Molong school; translation of the New Testament and compilation of a dictionary by Rev. Clark
medium: reports
person: Clark/ Rev.
ethnicgroup: AoHatiguria
location: Molong Molungyimchen (Deka Haimong)
date: 29.1.1885
date: 1884
date: 1885
text: On the 29th a halt was made, in order to give time to collect coolies and to arrange loads, so that they might be readily carried. During the day, the Deputy-Commissioner visited Mr. Clark's boys' and girls' schools, which are as yet but thinly attended. Education, however, has evidently commenced and the children read with fluency their Naga primers and other first books, and sang hymns in Naga. Mr. Clark has also done much valuable work in reducing the language to a written form, translating the New Testament, and compiling a dictionary.
text: The Nagas of Deka Haimong came in to see the Deputy-Commissioner, and it was arranged that they should help Molong in supplying the coolies for the next day.