The Nagas

Hill Peoples of Northeast India

Project Introduction The Naga Database

published - extracts on Nagas from 'Assam Administration Report'

caption: Nagas
caption: Relations with Tributary States and Foreign Affairs
caption: Borduarias - Namsangias and Borduarias - Bormuthan feuds
medium: reports
ethnicgroup: BormuthanBorduariaNamsangia
location: Margherita
date: 1885
date: 1886
text: 25. The feud between the Borduarias and Namsangias on the Lakhimpur frontier did not find vent in any overt acts of hostility. The Namsangias are anxious to be taken under the protection of Government. Between the Borduarias and the Bormuthan Nagas there is still come ill-feeling, as the following extract from the Deputy-Commissioner's report shows:
text: "The dispute between the Borduarias and Bormuthan Nagas, to which I referred last year in my report, has not been quite settled. The Borduarias gave up nearly all the property alleged to have been taken by them, including a skull, but a controversy still rages over the question as to whether the skull which the Borduarias produced is the right skull or not, they declare that it is someone else's skull; so they are not satisfied. The question is rather difficult to decide. I have told the Bormuthans that they must accept the skull as the proper skull."
text: At Margherita there has been a great influx of Nagas from the distant Patkoi and beyond it bringing in rubber, and the neighbouring Nagas work at the coal-mines, although nothing will induce them to enter the underground galleries.