The Nagas

Hill Peoples of Northeast India

Project Introduction The Naga Database

published - extracts on Nagas from 'Assam Administration Report'

caption: Manipur
caption: Section 2. Relations with Tributary States and Frontier Affairs
caption: behaviour of hill tribes
medium: reports
location: Purum Oinam Guari
date: 1899
date: 1900
text: 8. The conduct of the hill tribes was satisfactory, and all orders issued to them were immediately carried out. The village of Purum, near the Naga Hills border, made itself objectionable on two occasions: in October it attacked, after due challenge had been sent, the village of Oinam, and the result was a drawn battle, one on each side being killed and some 17 on each side wounded. Purum, being the aggressor, was fined the sum of Rs. 500. Towards the end of the year Purum and a neighbouring village, named Guari, came to blows, but the matter was under enquiry at the close of the year. The Wilong village, not far from Kairong, had a fight between two khels, which lasted the best part of a day, and one man was killed and several injured. The erring khel was fined and its leader imprisoned.