The Nagas

Hill Peoples of Northeast India

Project Introduction The Naga Database

published - extracts on Nagas from 'Assam Administration Report'

caption: frontier tribes
caption: Relations with Tributary States and Frontier Affairs
caption: Margherita, Rangpang, Barduaria, Namsangiya and Barmithunia Nagas
medium: reports
ethnicgroup: SarkariRangpang
location: Saban
date: 1920
date: 1921
text: 15. Four men of Saban, a Sarkari Naga village, were found to have wrongfully confined a Naga of Kutung village, beyond the Inner Line, for six months. The villagers were fined Rs. 100, of which Rs. 50 was paid to the Captive as compensation. Some Rangpang Nagas were caught red-handed while thieving iron materials from the railway in the vicinity of the Ledo colliery and were punished. With these exceptions the conduct of the Nagas continued to be satisfactory.