The Nagas

Hill Peoples of Northeast India

Project Introduction The Naga Database

published - extracts on Nagas from 'Assam Administration Report'

caption: frontier tribes
caption: Relations with Tributary States and Frontier Affairs
caption: Margherita, Rangpang, Barduaria, Namsangiya and Barmithunia Nagas
medium: reports
ethnicgroup: RangpangSarkari
location: Ledo
date: 1922
date: 1923
text: 15. There was a recrudescence of the enterprising thefts of rails and other railway materials from the outlying works of the Assam Railways and Trading Company's Collierues at Ledo. Enquiry has shown that the thieves as usual were trans-Patkoi Nagas who had been doing jungle clearing at the collieries during the cold weather and as they were returning home helped themselves to the iron. It is not improbable that some of the Mushang clan of the Sadiya Frontier were concerned in petty thefts of iron. Steps are being taken to bring under effective administration the small Naga area lying to the north of the Patkoi Range which falls within the Sadiya Frontier Tract but has hitherto not been administered and thereby to prevent thefts of this nature. It is hoped that an extension of control will bring us into closer touch with the trans-Patkoi Rangpang Nagas among whom it is said that human sacrifices are still carried on. The conduct of the Sarkari Nagas of the Dibrugarh Frontier Tract and of the Barduaria, Namsangiya and Barmithunia Nagas continued to be satisfactory.