The Nagas

Hill Peoples of Northeast India

Project Introduction The Naga Database

published - extracts on Nagas from 'Assam Administration Report'

caption: Frontier Tribes
caption: Relations with Tributary States and Frontier Affairs
caption: Naga Hills
medium: reports
person: Dikeo
ethnicgroup: KachaSemaYimtsungrrKonyak
location: Pangsha Lakema Noko (Nokhu) Sanglao Totok Chi (Chui) Phesami Kesu None
date: 1936
date: 1937
text: 8. The Kacha Nagas showed signs of being more settled, but until the absconder Dikeo who was implicated in the Lakema murder case is arrested the situation will not become normal. In the unadministered area the most important event of the year was the punishment of the village of Pangsha. As a result of the expedition to Pangsha the village of Sanglao returned the slave held by them. The village of Nokhu did not surrender their slaves. In the Konyak area Totok disobeyed the orders of Government and fired on their enemies of Chui village, The three youths chiefly concerned were sentenced to undergo three years' rigorous imprisonment. The Semas were mainly quiet, but Phesami attacked the Yimtsungrr village of Kesu, took two heads, speared two men and burnt thirteen houses. Elsewhere apart from sporadic raids and head-taking nothing of importance occurred. The relations of the Nagas bordering the Sibsagar district with Government were cordial throughout the year.