The Nagas

Hill Peoples of Northeast India

Project Introduction The Naga Database
  1. manuscript - H.H. Godwin-Austen, Journal of a Tour in Assam, 26th November 1872 to 15th April 1873
    1872-11-26:1873-04-04 Royal Geographical Society, London Iril R. Guamchow to the Iril river tours Iril R. Guamchow 1873-04-04:1873-04-04 Godwin-Austen H.H. 1872-11-26:1873-04-04 Royal Geographical Society, London 4th April On the 4th we got off early enough & dropt over the bridge into the Iril..
    Last modification on 02 Nov 2011 at 16:08:14
  2. manuscript - H.H. Godwin-Austen, Journal of a Tour in Assam, 26th November 1872 to 15th April 1873
    1872-11-26:1873-04-04 Royal Geographical Society, London back to Dimapur [3] tours 1873-04-05:1873-04-15 Godwin-Austen H.H. 1872-11-26:1873-04-04 Royal Geographical Society, London April 5th. Camp under Tingba. April 6th. Maithaiphum. April 7th. ditto. Observed at Gramchu SEE. April 8th. Halt at ..
    Last modification on 02 Nov 2011 at 16:08:14
  3. printed - Tour Diary of the Deputy Commissioner for 1873 (John Butler) volume three
    1873-02-17:1873-04-11 Gnamchao Iril R. Mengimai Thingba Next to Gnamchao then Mengimai; telegram of congratulation from Commissioner tours Gnamchao Iril R. Mengimai Thingba 1873-04-04:1873-04-05 Butler 1873-02-17:1873-04-11 inaccurate spelling in the original text 4th April. Made a short march and ..
    Last modification on 02 Nov 2011 at 16:08:16