published - 'Report of the Survey Operations in the Naga Hills 1875-1876' by Lt. R.G. Woodthorpe
1875-01-01:1876-12-31 Longmisa (Semamantin) Sangratsu (Solachu) to Semamantin; provisioning; dangers of tattooing; treatment of stomach ache tours Hatigoria Longmisa (Semamantin) Sangratsu (Solachu) 1876-02-18:1876-02-19 Woodthorpe R.G. 1875-01-01:1876-12-31 31. On the 18th, Colonel Tulloch, with ..
Last modification on 02 Nov 2011 at 16:08:14
published - 'Report of the Survey Operations in the Naga Hills 1875-1876' by Lt. R.G. Woodthorpe
1875-01-01:1876-12-31 Mongchen (Munching) Waromung (Woramong) Cholimsen (Mukhigaon) Changki Mekula Lakhuti Akuk Appendix C. H.M. Hinde's report warring villages and the difficulty of travelling in the hills tours Lhota Hatigoria Mongchen (Munching) Waromung (Woramong) Cholimsen (Mukhigaon) Changki ..
Last modification on 02 Nov 2011 at 16:08:14
part of original tour diary of Lt. R.G. Woodthorpe 1876
Tulloch Col Trotter Needham Ogle Elison Uchai Cooper I.I. Pitt Rivers Museum Archive, Oxford Lungkhung Longmisa (Semamantin) Hatagoria Sangratsu (Solachu) Dikhu R. 1875-01-01:1876-12-31 tours Next Routine survey work; dangers of tattooing; treatment of illness; eating habits Woodthorpe R.G. ..
Last modification on 02 Nov 2011 at 16:08:14