The Nagas

Hill Peoples of Northeast India

Project Introduction The Naga Database

part of original tour diary of Lt. R.G. Woodthorpe 1876

caption: Routine survey work; dangers of tattooing; treatment of illness; eating habits
medium: tours
person: Tulloch/ ColTrotterNeedhamOgleElisonUchaiCooper/ I.I.
location: Lungkhung Longmisa (Semamantin) Hatagoria Sangratsu (Solachu) Dikhu R.
date: 18.2.1876
person: Woodthorpe/ R.G.
date: 1875-1876
person: Pitt Rivers Museum Archive, Oxford
text: Friday 18th.
text: (Fine all day till about 4 p.m., then a heavy thunderstorm for nearly an hour. Most terrific claps of thunder from 12 midnight till about 3 a.m. and heavy rain till early morning. Height of Lungkhung camp at 7 a.m. 4790/4580 M = 4889. Village M = 4755 almost 80 houses. Height of Semamantin at 10 a.m. 3660/3520 M = 3600. Hatagoria village about 300 houses. Height of mark Solachu at 6 p.m. 4360/4130 = M 4250. Height of camp 10 p.m. 4210/4100 M = 4105. Min = 48.5o. )
text: Started 6 a.m. Did some plane tabling outside village till nearly 8. Started for Semamantin sending the camp straight to Solachu. Col. Tulloch went with the camp. Got to Semamantin in 1.5 hours. Road good and crossing several streams. Left coolies in village to get rice and went on about 1 mile. Got in a good deal of the valley across the Dikhu. Back to village about 12. Left 12.30. Tiffed at the top of the hill. Reached Solachu a little after 3 p.m. Sent for theodolite. Col. Tulloch came up to register for me. Unfortunate storm in middle prevented me doing all we wanted. Came into camp about 6. Bath. Dinner. After wrote to Trotter, Needham, Ogle, Elison. Terrific clap of thunder (37) awoke me at 12. I fancied in my dream that it had made a clean sweep of all my work in these hills.
text: Semamantin is a fine large village on a long spur with a good deal of undulating ground above it. The villagers were exceedingly friendly after we got to the village though they at first asked us to remain outside saying they could bring us fresh rice etc. However, on my return from the plane tabling men, women and children crowded about. I was taken to see a poor little girl about ten years of age whose legs were apparently rotting away below the knee, the result of the tattooing operation she had undergone a few days before. The sores were dreadful and had not been washed or dressed at all apparently. This is a sad instance of what sacrifices to fashion will be made whether in a Naga village or in the most civilized cities, (tight lacing and consumption, tight shoes and lameness, high heals and grecian bend etc. etc.). I told the father to send someone to camp for medicine but no one came as far as I could find out. The Gaonbura also showed me his wife, a very good looking, modest, middle aged lady, who had had a pain in her stomach which she explained was unaccountable as no addition to her family was expected. I gave her a little brandy having nothing else with me. She was loth to taste it at first thinking it was nasty probably but having found out that it was rather pleasant than otherwise when tasted, she said as the pain would probably endure for several days and I had only (38) given her enough brandy for one day, it would be better if I gave her a little more.
text: The Boralangi Gaonbura who had left me in the village to get some food was so long about it that I left without him. Fearing I suppose that I was angry and that he would not get the red cloth promised, he came up after me at speed overtaking me as I was at tiffin. He told me he had had nothing to eat and seemed rather exhausted with his hasty march uphill, so I gave him some fowl and chapatti, and it was amusing to see this rajah, as I.I. Cooper would call him having chunks cut off the fowl's legs by Uchai, each holding one end of the bone, the "rajah" offering Uchai every alternate mouthful.