The Nagas

Hill Peoples of Northeast India

Project Introduction The Naga Database
  1. black and white photographs by J.H. Hutton
    Pitt Rivers Museum Archive, Oxford naga huttphot P47574.jpg naga huttphot P47574.jpg naga huttphot P47574.jpg nagahuttphotP47574.jpg nagahuttphotP47574.jpg Lhota - the 'Mingethung' at Pongithung photographs Lhota Pungitung (Pongithung) 1927-03-24:1927-03-24 T Hutton J.H. 1924-01-01:1928-12-31 ..
    Last modification on 02 Nov 2011 at 16:07:43
  2. typescript - J.H. Hutton tour diary in the Naga Hills
    1927-03-21:1927-04-03 Pitt Rivers Museum Archive, Oxford Tseminyu (Themokedi) Next Christians-Ancients disputes at Themokedi tours Tseminyu (Themokedi) 1927-03-23:1927-03-23 Hutton J.H. 1927-03-21:1927-04-03 Pitt Rivers Museum Archive, Oxford Hutton Ms. Box 2 23 March To Themokedi, about 10 miles -..
    Last modification on 02 Nov 2011 at 16:08:08
  3. typescript - J.H. Hutton tour diary in the Naga Hills
    1927-03-21:1927-04-03 Pitt Rivers Museum Archive, Oxford Pungitung (Pongithung) Longsa Next Destruction of trees; ancient monolith at Pongithung tours Hatiguria Pungitung (Pongithung) Longsa 1927-03-24:1927-03-24 Hutton J.H. 1927-03-21:1927-04-03 Pitt Rivers Museum Archive, Oxford Hutton Ms. Box 2 ..
    Last modification on 02 Nov 2011 at 16:08:08
  4. typescript - J.H. Hutton tour diary in the Naga Hills
    Sunga of Tesiphenyu Langshen of Pongithung Pitt Rivers Museum Archive, Oxford Chipen-ru Pungitung (Pongithung) Next 1927-03-21:1927-04-03 tours Skull in the Pongithung mingethung Hutton J.H. Previous 8 Skull in the Pongithung mingethung tours Sunga of Tesiphenyu Langshen of Pongithung Chipen-ru ..
    Last modification on 02 Nov 2011 at 16:08:08
  5. Typescript, J.P. Mills, Tour Diary, March 1927, with comments by Ursula Betts, 1986
    1927-03-01:1927-03-31 School of Oriental and African Studies Library, London Chinkuri Udharband Haltiya bil Kattal Comments on road repairs tours Chinkuri Udharband Haltiya bil Kattal 1927-03-23:1927-03-25 Betts Ursula Mills J.P. 1927-03-01:1927-03-31 School of Oriental and African Studies Library,..
    Last modification on 02 Nov 2011 at 16:08:10