Harlakenden Account Book (ERO Temp.Acc.897)

28.1.1615 (Saturday 28 January 1615)

document 22902567

the same 28.1.1615 Robt Rooks told me in the presence of my brother that mr Pilgrim sent him word that he must presently fell sixty bollingers most upon that piece behind the houses which he calleth Longcrofts (423) (423b) which they say by their deed is free but Jn Parker saith when he hired it of old Fisher it was called Curdes Layes and old Fisher had a warrant of my father for six or eight bollingers and they were felled by Vesey that dwelled in one of those houses in that piece they say those closes were sometimes bought from Curdes vide the free deeds of Finches land in the nest of boxes or some of them do not but tell this ground or the houses