the expenses of the year there for
Jn Sueyl
farming there from
the feast of easter 49Edw3
until the feast of
then next following altogether payment for roofing with tiles and straw the grange and the dwelling house
altogether 7s6d item in one thousand tiles and one
of hollow tiles bought for 6s9d in two quarts of lime bought for the same 3s
8d in the carriage of the said lime 4d in a hundred lathes bought
12d item in lath nails and iron spikes bought 6d item in a thousand tile pins bought in two trees which were cut down and trimmed for the wattling and placed in the hallway there with carriage 3s in mending the granary with popellar boards 3s item in one beam made for the solarium 2s item in mending part of the walls of the grange with posts with the carpenters altogether 6s8d item in daubing the said walls altogether 2s item in two cartloads of straw bought for the said grange for mending on the roof 2s6d in carting the said straw 18d item in carpenters for mending the said grange because the
was made with popellar
altogether 12d item in
roofers with their boy for mending the said grange 2s item in mending the walls of the said cattle shed with carpenters 10d item in daubing the said walls altogether 8d item in roofing the said cattle shed in part it was with two cartloads of straw bought for the same and with the
of the said straw 4s11d item in an iron bolt bought for the same 3d item in one
made and one wooden
3d item in the payment of a tax of 15s to the lord king after
delivered to the church of the said Messyngg at the feast of easter for