expenses about repairing the bridge in Beuchampe | imprimis of donation and great charity not of right paid to a carpenter for making a bridge near Wetherhall in Gestingthorpe on Beauchampe side by a bargain made to task 13s4d item paid to divers labourers for ramming the earth and making the foundation of the said bridge by a bargain likewise made in gross 6s8d item paid for carrying wood and timber from Colne and other places for the said bridge 6s item paid to the duke of Norfolk's bailiff for amercements for not coming scouring the ditch belonging to the parsonage there 12d item paid to Jn Edon for six sheep of him bought 7s6d item paid for twenty ewes and twenty lambs bought there 40s item paid to Jn Edon for repairing one stable there 18d item paid to him for eighteen lambs of him bought 19s6d item paid to Rich Catour for two steers of him bought 23s item paid to him for peas of him bought for the kitchen 2s8d item to the prioress of Henningham for five quarters of wheat bought 26s8d item paid for eleven quarters of oats bought of her 11s8d item for making one hedge at the tenement Buckers 8d item for one trunk made there 5d item flooring the house there 4d to Steph Smythe for tithe corn in White Colne 3s4d item for one cow bought of Robt Winter 7s item for one sow bought of him this year 3s in the expenses of Ralph Audeley riding from Colne to Messinge for amending 4d item allowed to Roger Deynes for the tenement of Ingleland for two years 6s10d item paid for keeping the court at Ballydon 12d item in the expenses of Ralph Audeley 1h item in his expenses another time to Rothynge 3d item the expenses of Walt Cakebread riding from Colne to Bentley to drive lambs 6d item paid to Ralph Audeley for gathering the tithes at Beauchampe in drink at Sudbury 1d |