Colne Priory Accounts (ERO D/DPr60)

michaelmas.35Hen8 (Saturday 29 September 1543)

document 45400431

sum total of all with arrears 78li11s5d from which is allowed of the farms of Bentley 29s for the stipend or payment of the vicar there at 29s per annum viz in the allowance to him for this whole year and 2s8d for the repair of the pews there this year as shown by a bill signed by his hand above and remaining and outstanding 76li19s9d and of which of the said farms fees of Bentley liveries to Robt Rochester esq receiver there on 29.7.35Hen8 as shown by a bill signed by the hand of the receiver and remaining 66s8d and outstanding 73li13s1d from which an allowance of the farms of Messynge in monies for part livery to Robt Rochester esq receiver there namely on 3.5.35Hen8 53s4d and on 12.10.35Hen8 60s4d in total as shown by two bills signed by the hand of the said receiver and remaining 113s8d and outstanding 67li19s5d from which of the farms of the rectory of Dovercourte liveries to the lord's own hands for his arrears for the last preceding year namely on 25.6.34Hen8 for the lord's recognition of the tenure and as shown by the arrears of liveries 15li and outstanding 52li19s5d and from which of the farms of Belchamp liveries to the aforesaid receiver on 25.6.35Hen8 as shown for the said receiver's recognition of tenure 8li and outstanding 44li19s5d and from which of the farms of Wikeham liveries to the aforesaid receiver owed of his farms for this year for his recognition 6s and outstanding 41li19s5d and from which of the farms of Dovercourt liveries to the a foresaid receiver     in the .11.35Hen8 for the receiver's recognition 15li and outstanding 26li19s5d (another hand) from which of the farms of the rectory of Bentley liveries to the aforesaid receiver after the clerk had made up this account for his recognition of tenure 70s and in monies of the farms of the rectories of Belchampe liveries to the aforesaid receiver after the clerk of this account for the recognition of the said receiver of the tenure 8li and in monies for the farms of the rectory of Wykeham liveries to the aforesaid receiver after the clerk of the account for the said receiver's recognition of the tenure 60s and outstanding 12li9s5d