Earls Colne Accounts (ERO D/DPr119)

29.9.1379 (Thursday 29 September 1379)

document 47500407

rent for life and Jn Werkeman for 5a of land which Jn Tyllere held let to himself by statute of the lord earl per annum with 4d as the ancient rent 3s8d and the same said Jn for a tenement sometime of Wm Dawe called Whitcherches and for five acrewar of land sometime Cruddes called Struttes let to him for his lifetime by statute from the lord earl deceased per annum 15s and after the decease of the said Jn his heirs should pay per annum 17s and Jn Atte Pannetre and Joan his wife for fifteen acrewar of land sometime of Jn Atte Hey and for one mill sometime of Rich Atte Hey called Pyrilond let to the same for their lifetimes by a statute from the lord earl deceased per annum at two terms 10s and from Roger Joldeyn for a farm of a tenement called Sladelond let for his lifetime this year 7s and from Alice Adam as an increase for her lifetime for one cottage and curtilage let to her per annum 1d1h and from Adam Crudde for the farm of ten acrewar of land called Micheles let to him for his lifetime per annum at two terms 10s