Earls Colne Accounts (ERO D/DPr 120)

29.9.1401 (Thursday 29 September 1401)

document 47600197

eggs and from which in default of the rent of two customary tenements of fifteen acrewar of land because those tenements are in the hands of the lord as above sixty eggs for each tenements thirty eggs in default of the rent of seven customary tenements of five acrewar of land because in the hands of the lord one hundred and five eggs for each tenements fifteen eggs in default of two molland as above for each tenement ten eggs in default of the rent of two mondaylond as above ten eggs for each tenement five eggs in an allowance of the tenement of Bregmans that Jn Bregman lately held sometime occupied by Firmin Shropham quit by a deed of the lord earl ten eggs in default of the rent of a tenement late of Andrew Adam containing two acrewar of land coming into the hands of the lord for default of tenants as above per annum twenty eggs in an allowance of the rent of Jn Gosse the reve containing five acrewar of land accruing into the hands of the lord for default of tenants as above fifteen eggs in the sale upon this account five eggs