and from which in default of the rent of two customary tenements of fifteen acrewar of land because those tenements are in the hands of the lord as above sixty eggs for each tenement thirty eggs and in default of the rent of the aforesaid seven customary tenements of five acrewar of land because in the hands of the lord as above one hundred and five eggs for each tenement fifteen eggs in the default of two mollands as above twenty eggs for each tenement ten eggs in default of the rent of two mundaylonds as above ten eggs for each tenement five eggs in an allowance of the tenement of Breggmans that Jn Breggman lately held because it was granted to Firmin de Schropham quit by a statute of the lord the late earl during (sic) at the will of the said lord per annum ten eggs in default of the rent of the tenement late of Andrew Adams containing ten acrewar of land falling into the hands of the lord for default of a tenant as above and granted to Thos Smyth quit by a statute of the lord and afterwards to Roger Eston per annum twenty eggs in default of the rent of a tenement late of Jn Gosse the reve containing five acrewar of land late granted to Robt Brayer quit by a statute of the lord the late earl of Oxford during the lifetime of the same lord and now in the hands of the lord fifteen eggs in the sale as above five eggs