and from which in default of the rent of two tenements of fifteen acrewar of land viz the tenement of Adam Crudd and a tenement of Rich Atte Hey which are in the hands of the lord as in the preceding account one and a half sheep for each tenement three quarters and in default of the rent of five acrewar of land sometime of Roger Atte Bregge five acrewar of land sometime of Roger Atte Med five acrewar of land sometime Foches five acrewar of land sometime of Roger Atte Hey five acrewar of land sometime Sladelond five acrewar of land sometime Strutte's five acrewar of land sometime Michelle's and five acrewar of land sometime Jn Reve because these tenements are in the hands of the lord as in the preceding account two sheep for each tenement a fourth part and in an allowance of the tenement Breggeman which Jn Breggeman sometime held because it was let to Firmin de Scropham quit during and at the will of the lord above per annum a fourth part in default of the rent of a tenement sometime of Andrew Adams containing ten acrewar of land being in the hands of the lord earl for default of a tenant because it was granted to Thos Smyth quit by a statute of the lord the late earl per annum half a sheep in the sale as within one quarter and a half of a quarter of a sheep