inquest indented and taken through the justice of the most serene lord king at the parish of Great Tey in the county of Essex the 9.2.2Geo1 the coroner being Thos Gibson gentleman in the county of Essex aforesaid on the view of a male infant lying dead upon the oaths of A Negus Phil Clarke Rich Baker Thos Walls Wm Browning Jn Marley Robt Hales Jos Neville Jn Neville Jn Burton Jn Wenden Jas Patten Jos Newcomb Alex Keeble Rich Bridge Edw Harrington and Wm Nordley law men of the county aforesaid who on their oath present for the king's inquest the when where means and reason how a male child came by his death they say on their oath that Marge Dedman pleading not guilty lately of the parish aforesaid in the county aforesaid spinster being delivered of a certain male child the 22.1.1716 at the parish aforesaid in the county aforesaid the same male infant by the providence of god being born alive and living was a bastard and that the aforesaid Marge Dedman not having the thought of god before her eyes but led on at the instigation of the devil's word the 23.1. of the year abovesaid did violently and at the parish aforesaid having been delivered of the aforesaid bastard male child in and on the same spurious male child in the peace of god and of our lord king then living make an assault and that the aforesaid Marge Dedman with both her hands feloniously and voluntarily hold and grip the bastard male child then living on its throat and neck and that the aforesaid Marge Dedman with both her hands around the neck and throat of the aforesaid bastard male child suffocated and strangled the aforesaid child so it died and the jurors say on their oath that in this fashion the aforesaid Marge feloniously of her malice aforethought killed and murdered the aforesaid bastard male child against the peace of the crown and its dignity and that the goods and chattels lands or tenements of the aforesaid Marge Dedman which she held at the time of the felony and murder aforesaid are unknown to the jurors (relating to the same case) billa vera (alongside which appear the names) Martha Grimston Eliz Prentice Lidia Evans Jn Lay Jn Brewer Hen Vaughan and Phil Hasle