Colne Priory Manor Court Rolls (ERO D/DPr21)

3.11.1604 (Saturday 3 November 1604)

document 33100357

and furthermore at this court there is a precept to Guy Groome bailiff and servant of this court that he should seize into the hands of the lord one piece of land called Cates Croft late of the said Thos Leffingwell because he made forfeit by cutting down one oak bolling without first having and obtaining licence from the lord therefore the same said Guy Groome the court sitting delivered the command and the above mentioned precept having carried it out in all respects therefore the lord delivered out of his hands the tenement and said tenements and other premises with all and singular their appurtenances to the use and behoof of Thos Harlakenden and his heirs forever who the same said Thos Harlakenden came here into court and was admitted thereof tenant to hold from the lord by the rod at the will of the lord according to the custom of the manor by the rents and services thereunto belonging and by right accustomed and he gave to the lord for his fine