Colne Priory Manor Court Rolls (ERO D/DPr24)

5.4.1671 (Wednesday 5 April 1671)

document 35500261

guardian and because the aforesaid Wm Stebbing junior is within age therefore the lord granted custody of the premises of the aforesaid Wm to the aforesaid Wm Stebbing senior until the aforesaid Wm the son should reach his full age etc and by the aforesaid steward he delivered possession to him thereof by the rod to hold from the lord by the rod at the will of the lord according to the custom of the aforesaid manor by the rents and services thereunto belonging without waste and strip and to return to the aforesaid Wm Stebbing junior an account of the rents and profits of the premises when he shall come to his age of twenty one years and for such custody he gave to the lord for a fine etc