Colne Priory Manor Court Rolls (ERO D/DPr24)

20.3.1683 (Tuesday 20 March 1683)

document 35800171

who say on their oath that Jn Carter Wm Hatch Robt Harris Rich Heyward Rich Hatch Wm Aylett gentleman Eliz Abbutt Hen Abbutt senior Hen Abbutt junior Jn Owers in right of his wife Thos Aylett Jn Abbutt Wm Brewer Rich Bridge gentleman Jn Crow senior Jn Fluen Zach Rogers Jn Cressner gentleman Mary Allen Nich Chapman Geo Clerke Ann Day widow Susan Davy Wm Death Thos Savill gentleman Math Elliston are tenants of this manor and owe suit at court and at this day made default therefore each of them in mercy 4d