Colne Priory Manor Court Rolls (ERO D/DPr29)

6.8.1734 (Tuesday 6 August 1734)

document 36700057

at this court homage present the death of Eliz Cressener widow of Jn Cressener of Earls Colne esq deceased who held for term of her life several lands and tenements held of the manor by copy with the remainder to Edw Cressener in fee which said Edw died some years ago and before his death on 20.2.1720 surrendered all his copyhold lands etc to the use of his last will and by his will dated 6.4.1722 did give unto his daughter Eliz Clifford and her heirs forever all those his lands tenements and estate as well freehold as copyhold whether in possession or reversion lying and being in Earls Colne except what he had therein after disposed of as in and by the said will and surrender etc whereupon came Eliz Clifford widow by Thos Sewell gentleman her attorney and was admitted to all that messuage formerly two tenements with the yard garden and appurtenances situate in Holt Street between the tenements of the said Jn Cressener and Robt Hutton and held by the annual rent of 2s5d and also to a field or parcel of land called Chippin containing 4a adjoining to the hopground called Chippens and to all that messuage there late built and one piece of land late parcel of Chippins containing 7a3r16p held of the annual rent of 7s10d and also to a cottage or tenement sometime called The Middle House in Holt St now converted into stables and out offices to the mansion house and held by the annual rent of 18d and gave fine etc