Date Index - 1734

1734Poor Rate(11100131)
Colne Priory Manor: Fine Book23902801 23902831 23902847 23902860 23902871
23902884 23902905 23902921 23902940 23902951
23902976 23902990 23903008
Earls Colne Manor: Fine Book24402530 24402544 24402557 24402612 24402632
24402654 24402666 24402682 24402696 24402718
Terrier to accompany Map of Earls Colne and Colne Priory Manors(44601443) (44601469) (44601530) (44601923)
Rental of the Manors of Earls Colne and Colne Priory(80000001) (80000235) (80000275) (80000285) (80000370)
(80000610) (80000745)
January 1734Baptism register 1730 to 17397601390
Tuesday 1 January 1734Freehold Titles(30900005)
Sunday 13 January 1734Baptism register 1730 to 17397601379
Monday 14 January 1734Poor Rate11001727
Tuesday 15 January 1734Quarter Sessions Books: Recognisances (not alehouse)21201154 21201166
Thursday 31 January 1734Wills(6200219)
Quaker Monthly Meeting - births9501024
Friday 1 February 1734Wills5702152 5702169
Friday 8 February 1734Marriage Bonds and Allegations 1672 to 175010500215
Sunday 10 February 1734Baptism register 1730 to 17397601398
Monday 11 February 1734Marriage Bonds and Allegations 1672 to 175010500183 10500199
Poor Rate11001742 11001757
Saturday 16 February 1734Marriage register 1729 to 17539201375
Quaker Monthly Meeting - births9501002
Tuesday 19 February 1734Burial register 1730 to 17558700519
Wednesday 20 February 1734Quaker Monthly Meeting - births9500963 9500989
Tuesday 26 February 1734Marriage Bonds and Allegations 1725 to 174010300864
Marriage register 1729 to 1753(9201375)
Wednesday 27 February 1734Earls Colne Manor Court Rolls(42100228)
Thursday 28 February 1734Earls Colne Manor Court Rolls(42100040)
Friday 1 March 1734Assize Indictments(14300256)
Saturday 2 March 1734Baptism register 1730 to 17397601409
Sunday 10 March 1734Quaker Monthly Meeting at Coggeshall - burials(9400464)
Monday 11 March 1734Colne Priory Manor Court Rolls36600864 36600873 36600883 36600913 36600933
36600966 36600973 36601018 36601052 36601061
36601074 36601111 36601126 36601132 36601140
(36700277) (36900771) (37100081)
Earls Colne Manor Court Rolls42100005 42100014 42100040 42100063 42100070
42100100 42100118 42100132 42100150 42100169
42100203 42100212 42100228 42100246 42100277
42100290 42100295 42100303 42100315 42100326
(42100342) (42100504) (42100609)
Tuesday 12 March 1734Removal Orders12100906
Wednesday 13 March 1734Removal Orders12100925
Friday 15 March 1734Quaker Monthly Meeting at Coggeshall - burials9400464
Sunday 17 March 1734Baptism register 1730 to 17397601420
Saturday 23 March 1734Settlement Certificates12200799
Sunday 24 March 1734Baptism register 1730 to 17397601431
Wednesday 27 March 1734Poor Rate11001771 11001877
Thursday 28 March 1734Settlement Certificates12200809
Friday 29 March 1734Quaker Monthly Meeting at Coggeshall - burials(9400418)
Saturday 30 March 1734Quaker Monthly Meeting - births9501269
Colne Priory Manor Court Rolls(36700377)
Sunday 31 March 1734Baptism register 1730 to 17397601442
Quaker Monthly Meeting at Coggeshall - burials9400418
Saturday 6 April 1734Burial register 1730 to 17558700524
Colne Priory Manor Court Rolls(36700005)
Sunday 7 April 1734Baptism register 1730 to 17397601453
Burial register 1730 to 17558700529
Friday 12 April 1734Marriage Bonds and Allegations 1725 to 174010300902
Monday 15 April 1734Poor Rate11001798 11001811 11001823
Tuesday 16 April 1734Marriage register 1729 to 17539201383
Thursday 18 April 1734Poor Rate(11001823)
Marriage register 1729 to 17539201391
Monday 22 April 1734Poor Rate11001854 11002172
Tuesday 23 April 1734Wills5900469 5900477 (6200263) 6401052
Archdeaconry Visitations101955
Quarter Sessions Books: Recognisances (not alehouse)21201179 21201191
Friday 26 April 1734Colne Priory Manor Court Rolls36700005 36700009 36700017 36700035
Earls Colne Manor Court Rolls42100330 42100334 42100342 42100360 42100370
Wednesday 1 May 1734Baptism register 1730 to 17397601464
Tuesday 7 May 1734Earls Colne Manor Court Rolls(42200116)
Freeholders22100516 22100519
Friday 10 May 1734Baptism register 1730 to 17397601475 7601486 7601494 7601505
Monday 13 May 1734Poor Rate11002250
Wednesday 29 May 1734Removal Orders12100944
Tuesday 4 June 1734Freehold Titles(32600113)
Sunday 9 June 1734Baptism register 1730 to 17397601513
Burial register 1730 to 17558700534
Tuesday 11 June 1734Poor Rate11002268
Thursday 13 June 1734Quaker Monthly Meeting at Coggeshall - burials9400435
Sunday 16 June 1734Baptism register 1730 to 17397601524
Friday 21 June 1734Baptism register 1730 to 17397601535
Saturday 22 June 1734Colne Priory Manor Court Rolls(36600828)
Earls Colne Manor Court Rolls(42100636) (42100679)
Sunday 23 June 1734Baptism register 1730 to 17397601546 7601559
Monday 24 June 1734Quaker Monthly Meeting at Coggeshall - burials9400448
Monday 1 July 1734Burial register 1730 to 17558700539
Sunday 7 July 1734Baptism register 1730 to 17397601572
Monday 8 July 1734Poor Rate11002286 11002305
Saturday 13 July 1734Earls Colne Manor Court Rolls(42100539)
Sunday 14 July 1734Baptism register 1730 to 17397601583
Tuesday 16 July 1734Quarter Sessions Books: Recognisances (not alehouse)21201204 21201216 21201228
Wednesday 17 July 1734Burial register 1730 to 17558700544
Friday 19 July 1734Wills6200263 6401063
Monday 22 July 1734Bastardy Bonds11900138
Colne Priory Manor Court Rolls(36900698)
Sunday 28 July 1734Baptism register 1730 to 17397601594
Tuesday 30 July 1734Colne Priory Manor Court Rolls(36700228)
Friday 2 August 1734Baptism register 1730 to 17397601605
Monday 5 August 1734Poor Rate11002378
Tuesday 6 August 1734Quaker Monthly Meeting - births9501152
Colne Priory Manor Court Rolls36700040 36700049 36700057 36700124 36700147
36700211 36700228 36700277 36700313
Earls Colne Manor Court Rolls42100396 42100405 42100413 42100496 42100504
42100518 42100526 42100539 42100609 42100615
42100636 42100653 42100664 (42100679)
Thursday 8 August 1734Quaker Monthly Meeting at Coggeshall - burials9400456
Friday 9 August 1734Marriage Bonds and Allegations 1725 to 174010300848
Sunday 18 August 1734Marriage Bonds and Allegations 1725 to 174010300880
Monday 19 August 1734Burial register 1730 to 17558700552
Marriage Bonds and Allegations 1672 to 175010500228
September 1734Quarter Sessions Books: Recognisances (not alehouse)(21201378)
Assize Indictments14300256
Monday 2 September 1734Poor Rate11002400 11002562
Sunday 8 September 1734Baptism register 1730 to 17397601616
Monday 30 September 1734Poor Rate(11001854) 11002418
Tuesday 1 October 1734Marriage register 1729 to 17539201399
Tuesday 8 October 1734Quarter Sessions Process Books of Indictments21100226 21100228
Sunday 13 October 1734Baptism register 1730 to 17397601627
Wednesday 16 October 1734Wills5900539
Thursday 17 October 1734Burial register 1730 to 17558700560
Friday 18 October 1734Quarter Sessions Books: Recognisances (not alehouse)21201230 21201242 21201257
Saturday 26 October 1734Burial register 1730 to 17558700571
Wednesday 30 October 1734Poor Rate(11100131)
Thursday 31 October 1734Wills(6200219)
Sunday 3 November 1734Baptism register 1730 to 17397601638 7601649
Saturday 9 November 1734Wills5900815
Colne Priory Manor Court Rolls(36700411) (36700466)
Earls Colne Manor Court Rolls(42100713) (42100782)
Friday 15 November 1734Settlement Certificates12200821
Saturday 16 November 1734Earls Colne Manor Court Rolls(42100246)
Tuesday 19 November 1734Burial register 1730 to 17558700579
Thursday 21 November 1734Burial register 1730 to 17558700584
Friday 22 November 1734Wills5900597
Monday 25 November 1734Burial register 1730 to 17558700592
Tuesday 26 November 1734Burial register 1730 to 17558700597
Poor Rate11002448
Sunday 6 December 1734Baptism register 1730 to 17397601660
Quarter Sessions Order Book21400051
Monday 14 December 1734Baptism register 1730 to 17397601671 7601682
Wednesday 16 December 1734Wills5900801
Thursday 17 December 1734Quaker Monthly Meeting - births9501063 9600677
Wednesday 23 December 1734Poor Rate11002463
Monday 28 December 1734Wills5901039 5901121 5901124