| the said
Geo Cressener
holdeth by copy of court roll of the said manor one croft of land lying between the customary land of the manor of the Priory called Tilekell Fenn in the tenure of the said
towards the north west and the customary land of the manor of Earls Colne called Wellfield Marshe in the tenure of the said
and a pightle of the demesne lands of the foresaid manor of the Priory parcel of the farm called Tylekell in part towards the south east the one head thereof abutteth upon the customary land of the said manor of Earls Colne called Lowefields towards the north and the other head upon the messuage called Tilekell in part and the lane leading from Earls Colne towards Great Tayne towards the south south west and that croft is called
Well Croft or Well Field
and containeth 6a2r8p
and the said croft called
Well Field Marshe
lieth between the said Well Crofte towards the west and the customary land of the manor of the Priory called Little Chiffyn in the tenure of
Margt Wood
widow in part and the demesne lands of the said manor of the Priory called Greate Chiffyn in part towards the east the one head thereof abutteth upon Lowefield aforesaid towards the north and the other head upon the demesne lands of the said manor of the Priory called Tylekell Crofte towards the south and containeth 3a1r36p
in the whole 10a4p and renteth yearly for the same